More Thoughts on Easter & Resurrection

I know we’re past Easter 2022, but the following words from J.S. Park about Easter and resurrection keep coming to mind for me: “For so many of us, there is simply no resurrection. It can be painful to see in Scripture how the sick were healed and the dead were raised— all while so manyContinue reading “More Thoughts on Easter & Resurrection”


I’ve been chronically ill for nearly a decade. I’ve gotten used to times of improvement and also flare ups. And while in many ways I acknowledge my needs, especially for rest, in some ways it is hard to do that sometimes. I started this blog in March 2018 and have published one post every FridayContinue reading “Rest”

INFJ Doorslam: Odyssey Revisited My first semester in college, I was part of Dallas Baptist University’s writing group on The Odyssey Online. This is an article I wrote. I’ve re-read it and some of my other articles and am working on an “Odyssey Revisited” series where I’ll repost the articles on here. So, with that, here’s the firstContinue reading “INFJ Doorslam: Odyssey Revisited”

Should the Gospel Offend? Twitter Theology (part 3)

I’ve written a couple of these Twitter theology posts before. If you haven’t read them, you can read part 1 here: and part 2 here: I recently came across the following tweet: “A preacher that doesn’t offend is a preacher that doesn’t preach for a gospel that does not offend is a gospelContinue reading “Should the Gospel Offend? Twitter Theology (part 3)”

Self-Discovery Prompt: Alone Time

“You just spent all day by yourself. Are you bored?” – prompt #24 from The short answer is: no.   I love time spent by myself. Of course I also need and crave time spent with others as well; but alone time is something that I need much more of, personally. I’m an INFJ,Continue reading “Self-Discovery Prompt: Alone Time”

Sunrise, Sunset

“Which do you prefer: sunrise or sunset?” This is a question I read recently. Truthfully I don’t have answer. There is so much beauty in both. Sunrises mean fresh starts. Newness, joy, hope, peace. Possibilities. Sunsets mean rest. A calm comfort no matter what the day brought to me. A sunrise is another chance atContinue reading “Sunrise, Sunset”