James and the Shame “Believe Me” – My Thoughts

Lyrics: “I think you want an answer I’m not prepared to give, ’cause the one I gave you said that that ain’t it. Must be something that I want – fame and fortune, or at least a little jaunt. It may seem too cut and dried, but I just found some things I could notContinue reading “James and the Shame “Believe Me” – My Thoughts”

Why I Want Abortion To Be Legal

Growing up, I was very much pro-life. I was raised in conservative evangelical Christianity: this is pretty much just a given when you’re in that camp. It’s assumed you hold the pro-life stance. And while people have varying degrees to which they agree with the stance (some may make exceptions for rape/incest for example), itContinue reading “Why I Want Abortion To Be Legal”

Resurrection: Literal or Metaphorical (or both)?

I recently saw a tweet asking Christians if or how their lives/faith would change if the resurrection of Jesus could be definitively proven as false. Reading through the responses was interesting as it presented many different people’s perspectives and experiences and why they chose to see resurrection as literal or metaphorical (or some of both).Continue reading “Resurrection: Literal or Metaphorical (or both)?”

Faith and Fear

“‘Faith over fear’ is a toxic half-truth.” Full post from KJ Ramsey: https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fkjramseywrites%2Fposts%2F189506376333669&show_text=true&width=500 “Faith over fear” seems to have become evangelicals’ mantra during the COVID-19 pandemic. Certainly, this phrase wasn’t new to pandemic times. I’ve heard it throughout my life. But I’ve heard and read it countless times over the last year and a halfContinue reading “Faith and Fear”

A Poem for Holy Week

if the pain the grief the ache the loss the longing  associated with death  like on Friday and Saturday  feel far more present and real than the hope the joy the beauty  the goodness of life and resurrection  like on Sunday  you are not alone you are loved may you one day find love  graceContinue reading “A Poem for Holy Week”

Christians Have Made an Idol out of Being Anti-Abortion

Okay, so, I imagine that title alone probably ruffled some feathers, and I’m sure the contents of this article may as well. There may be some who would call me blasphemous or a heretic, or a fake Christian, or say that I’ve been brainwashed by liberals, or any number of other things because they doContinue reading “Christians Have Made an Idol out of Being Anti-Abortion”

An Observation

Something that I noticed in the 2016 election is happening again now. As people share their thoughts and opinions on the Republican and Democrat candidates, I’ve noticed that a significant number of the moderates and liberals in my life are able to both critique and praise various political figures (including but not limited to theContinue reading “An Observation”

Ten Years

Being chronically ill impacts every area of life. It has touched my productivity levels and involvement in school, in jobs, in volunteer work, in churchgoing, in family gatherings, just to name a few things. There are a lot of feelings wrapped up in this day & this month for me. There were definitely times IContinue reading “Ten Years”

When Rest Is Elusive

I have been exhausted lately. It’s not like it’s unexpected or unusual for me. Fatigue has often been a part of my life since I became chronically ill as a 7th grader. Some days I’m more tired than others, but it’s always there, as with my other chronic illnesses/chronic illness symptoms. I don’t always haveContinue reading “When Rest Is Elusive”

If You’re Only Pro-Life When It Comes To Babies In Wombs, You’re Not Pro-Life At All

If you’re only pro-life when it comes to babies in wombs, you’re not pro-life at all.  If you are apathetic, or if you rejoice, when someone such as an LGBTQ+ person, a disabled person, a person belonging to a religious minority, a dark-skinned person, or someone who is in any way different from you isContinue reading “If You’re Only Pro-Life When It Comes To Babies In Wombs, You’re Not Pro-Life At All”