Why I Am In Favor Of Debt Forgiveness

Lately, with Joe Biden’s $10,000 debt forgiveness plan, I’ve seen a lot of people discussing the issue. People’s experiences and perspectives lead them to their conclusions – some people feel it would be better going towards medical debt rather than educational debt, for example. I think that’s a fair and valid point. I also knowContinue reading “Why I Am In Favor Of Debt Forgiveness”

Loss and Chronic Pain

Earlier this week, on August 2, 2022, my cat Frodo was euthanized. Similar to our other cat Snowflake – who died on May 8, 2020 – he had blood work done which showed he was starting to have kidney failure. He had lived a good long life, and we didn’t want things to get worseContinue reading “Loss and Chronic Pain”

Why I Want Abortion To Be Legal

Growing up, I was very much pro-life. I was raised in conservative evangelical Christianity: this is pretty much just a given when you’re in that camp. It’s assumed you hold the pro-life stance. And while people have varying degrees to which they agree with the stance (some may make exceptions for rape/incest for example), itContinue reading “Why I Want Abortion To Be Legal”

More Thoughts on Easter & Resurrection

I know we’re past Easter 2022, but the following words from J.S. Park about Easter and resurrection keep coming to mind for me: “For so many of us, there is simply no resurrection. It can be painful to see in Scripture how the sick were healed and the dead were raised— all while so manyContinue reading “More Thoughts on Easter & Resurrection”

Resurrection: Literal or Metaphorical (or both)?

I recently saw a tweet asking Christians if or how their lives/faith would change if the resurrection of Jesus could be definitively proven as false. Reading through the responses was interesting as it presented many different people’s perspectives and experiences and why they chose to see resurrection as literal or metaphorical (or some of both).Continue reading “Resurrection: Literal or Metaphorical (or both)?”

when rest is difficult

I am neurodivergent, disabled, and chronically ill. Based on the Myers-Briggs and Enneagram personality typing tools, I’m an INFJ and 9w1. I grew up in conservative white evangelical Christianity. And I want to take about rest today, as it has been necessary but hard lately. Those things may not seem very related or intertwined; butContinue reading “when rest is difficult”

Faith and Fear

“‘Faith over fear’ is a toxic half-truth.” Full post from KJ Ramsey: https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fkjramseywrites%2Fposts%2F189506376333669&show_text=true&width=500 “Faith over fear” seems to have become evangelicals’ mantra during the COVID-19 pandemic. Certainly, this phrase wasn’t new to pandemic times. I’ve heard it throughout my life. But I’ve heard and read it countless times over the last year and a halfContinue reading “Faith and Fear”

When Love Feels Like A Waste

“Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” -Alfred Lord Tennyson “But what is grief, if not love persevering?” -from WandaVision (I haven’t watched it, I just really love this quote) Throughout my life, but especially over the last year or so, I’ve at times felt like my loveContinue reading “When Love Feels Like A Waste”

Christians Have Made an Idol out of Being Anti-Abortion

Okay, so, I imagine that title alone probably ruffled some feathers, and I’m sure the contents of this article may as well. There may be some who would call me blasphemous or a heretic, or a fake Christian, or say that I’ve been brainwashed by liberals, or any number of other things because they doContinue reading “Christians Have Made an Idol out of Being Anti-Abortion”

Continuing on the Deconstruction Journey

“And yet, when I choose Love, “right” and “wrong” fade away. They become much less important. Because always analyzing what – and who – is right and wrong leads to boxes that do not allow for the messy, wild, imperfect beauty that is humanity. Trying to stay in the lines and within what is known does not work with radical love.”