
Consistency. Something I’ve longed to have in my life for a long time.

While I in no way want a boring life, constantly having things to do, places to go, people to keep up with, etc. is a lot for me. It’s so much pressure. It’s full of moments of changed plans and while there is nothing wrong with that, there are some people who like that more than others.

This is my tenth blog post. While blogging is certainly not the only thing that allows for consistency in my life, and I would like more of a schedule, I am grateful for the consistency that has come with my blog.

This allows me to be creative yet also productive. This helps me have something to do in which I can share my voice on various things. This is something I wanted to do for 2-3 years before I ever started blogging; I got my start with Odyssey, then after a break from blogging for several months, I picked up blogging again here on WordPress.

I’m thankful for what blogging has brought to my life, for the consistency I have found in this small joy.

20 Random Facts About Me

So, I turned 20 years old earlier this week, and decided for this week’s blog post that I would share 20 random facts about myself. I looked up conversation starters and used those to base my facts off of.

1. Who is your favorite entertainer (comedian, musician, actor, etc.)?

Probably Rhett and Link, although they prefer the term “internetainer”.

2. Do you have any pets? What are their names?

Two Siamese-Tabby cats, Frodo and Snowflake.

3. If you could have any animal as a pet, what animal would you choose?

A munchkin cat – cats are my favorite animals, but this type of cat is especially cute!

4. What do you think of tattoos? Do you have any?

I think tattoos are fine, as long as you don’t go overkill on the number that you get, and they are meaningful to you. Currently I have none but if I were to ever get one, I would probably get a small semicolon, because of what it represents to the mental health community and how it fits with my personal life story.

5. What do you fear is hiding in the dark?


6. What is your Myers-Briggs type?

I’m an INFJ, the rarest type. Sometimes I hate being an INFJ, sometimes I love it. (A very cliche INFJ thing to say).

7. What is the most annoying habit someone can have?

Constantly criticizing, berating, or in some other way making another person feel beat down, like they didn’t do a good enough job or they simply aren’t good enough as a person. I hate it when people constantly criticize…I’m an encourager.

8. Where is the most beautiful place you have been?

Probably Dallas Baptist University (seriously it’s the prettiest campus ever).

9. What do you bring with you everywhere you go?

Water. Whether it’s in a cup or a bottle, I always have water with me. Sometimes I just have it because I know I need to stay hydrated, other times I know I’ll need to take meds; but either way, I always make a point of having water with me.

10. Was there ever an event in your life that defied explanation?

Every time my chronic migraines get one more symptom added on the list of already existing symptoms. No explanation, it just happens randomly.

11. If you could learn the answer to one question about your future, what would the question be?

Who am I going to marry and have kids with? Because everyone around me seems to already have that figured out and I’m just here waiting to be asked out on a date…by someone…anyone… (not literally anyone, I have standards, I’m not that desperate Mom & Dad don’t take this literally).

12. What benefit do you bring to the group when you hang out with friends?

I’m a really good listener. My friends know I care and will be engaged when they’re around. I may not always have good advice or know the words to say (even though I hate not knowing that), but I and my friends know that I am a good listener, and that’s just as important.

13. How often do you curse?

Never. While I know several people who curse and I am fine with that being their decision, I choose not to because to me it is unnecessary and can be considered offensive. I myself don’t prefer those words, so I would not use them, although I’m not completely opposed to them being used around me (I cannot control others).

14. What are some things you want to accomplish before you die?

I want to start a YouTube channel, I want to work with kids in various capacities and eventually own an orphanage, and I want to get married and have kids of my own (biological and/or adopted – I don’t care either way, both are great). No particular order, just all of these at some point.

15. What makes you nervous?

Tension, conflict, controversy, etc. There have been times when I was in the midst of an argument that was so heated I nearly had a panic attack. There have been times I felt totally incapable of controlling my thoughts or emotions. There have been times I needed a break to process everything going on, and times I could not come back to the point of conflict. I’ve learned I have to take these things very seriously and not just “get over it”.

16. What was the best birthday wish or gift you’ve ever received?

My guitar. ❤

17. Would you rather have unlimited sushi for life or unlimited tacos for life? (both are amazingly delicious and can be any type of sushi / taco you want)

Tacos, I don’t like sushi 😉

18. Is suffering a necessary part of the human condition? What would people who never suffered be like?

I believe it is. If someone never suffered, I think they would be arrogant, they would misunderstand everyone who did suffer, they would be overly positive, and they wouldn’t know reality. Suffering is real and raw.

19. If you could hear every time someone said something good about you or something negative about you, which would you choose?

Something good – my two love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation, so with the words of affirmation, naturally I would gravitate towards the positive comments.

20. What’s the weirdest thing you have seen on someone’s phone?

An app called the Urinal Game on my dad’s phone. Never looking at his phone again.


I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little better, feel free to answer any of these for yourself as well!



What Would Jesus Do: The LGBTQ+ Community

For some time, I have found myself pondering this question. What would Jesus do in regards to the LGBTQ+ community? How would He treat them?

The older I get, and the more I am exposed to this community, the more I am torn apart and heartbroken over this issue. I believe with all my heart He has the same unconditional love for them that He has for everyone.

But I also believe fully what the Bible says, and that much of what this community stands for is sinful.

Recently this story came to mind:

John 8:1-11 NLT – A Woman Caught in Adultery

Jesus returned to the Mount of Olives, but early the next morning he was back again at the Temple. A crowd soon gathered, and he sat down and taught them. As he was speaking, the teachers of religious law and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery. They put her in front of the crowd. 

“Teacher,” they said to Jesus, “this woman was caught in the act of adultery. The law of Moses says to stone her. What do you say?” 

They were trying to trap him into saying something they could use against him, but Jesus stooped down and wrote in the dust with his finger. They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” Then he stooped down again and wrote in the dust. 

When the accusers heard this, they slipped away one by one, beginning with the oldest, until only Jesus was left in the middle of the crowd with the woman. Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?” 

“No, Lord,” she said. 

And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.”


Jesus loves sinners. He gave His life for sinners. He associated with sinners while on this earth. He didn’t shun them. He didn’t and still doesn’t condemn them. What He hates is sin. He doesn’t allow sin to prevail in our lives; He takes us as we are, but changes us as we grow closer to Him.

When Jesus met the woman caught in adultery, He made it clear that she sinned – but that He loved her and would not condemn her, and He wanted her to be free of her sin. He made it clear that His love was greater than her failures.

While the Scripture used doesn’t explicity apply to the LGBTQ+ community, I believe it still has crossover and can be applied. I believe Jesus loves the LGBTQ+ community and would associate with them and gave His life for them too. I believe He convicts us of sin and does not condemn. I believe He loves us unconditionally no matter what. And I believe that all these things are true, whether someone is in the LGBTQ+ community or not.

You are loved unconditionally, you are not condemned for your sins, and the God of the universe gave His Son’s life up in place of yours because of His desire to spend eternity with you and have a relationship with you.

What would Jesus do in response to the LGBTQ+ community? He would love them, He would convict them but never condemn them, and He would expect His children to treat them the same way.

Success: Subjective, not Objective

Something I have been pondering lately is success. Am I failing in life right now, or am I having some success? I see other people’s lives, and at times I feel like a failure if I’m being honest.

Other people are in happy relationships.

Other people have steady jobs.

Other people have degrees.

Other people are in good health.

Other people are traveling.

Other people are consistently growing in the Lord – reading their Bible and journaling daily, having church leadership positions, going on mission trips, etc.


All things I’d love to have in my life, but I don’t right now. And this just scratches the surface.

I feel like everyone else around me has something going on worth talking about, while I have nothing.

Everyone has something to do, someone they’re with, somewhere to be, but I don’t.

Some days I feel like my life is boring and has little to no value. Nothing exciting is happening now, so it isn’t worth talking about.


But I realized recently that despite this somewhat dull season in life, where not a lot is going on, I still am growing and learning. I am still becoming a better person.

Two years ago I was severely depressed; I have for the most part recovered from that. I still have my moments, but I’m not nearly as bad as I once was.

I used to not have any treatment plan for my chronic illnesses. Now, with the help of medicines, supplements, doctors, dietary changes, etc., my family, doctors, and I can work on getting me better. This change started over a year ago and we still have a long way to go, but the fact that we are in the process of getting me better is encouraging.

My struggles help me be more empathetic and compassionate. The more time that passes, the more kind and loving I become. In spite of all the difficulties I have faced thus far, and the fact that sometimes I feel like I’ve failed, I do believe ultimately that all these things have been a success if they make me a better person.

I started college in the fall of 2016 and have been in and out during the following semesters due to health and finances. It has been a hard journey, especially because I love my school, and I honestly have no idea when I will graduate, but I’ve come to the realization that my health is more important than a degree and it is okay to put school on hold if it means I am taking care of my body.

I love the Lord, but there are multiple things I don’t do in my relationship with Him that I wish I did as a Christian. Every time I see/hear someone posting on social media or talking about going on a mission trip (especially one in a third world country) my heart longs to go there too. But even something like reading the Bible and journaling everyday is something I have never been good at. Praying and listening to or singing worship music are things I do often, but I often wonder if they have lost their meaning  because I do them so often. I want so deeply to be closer to Him, yet sometimes I feel like I hit a wall because of my lack of discipline or finances or whatever else because of the things I can’t/don’t do in my walk with Christ. And still He loves me unconditionally anyway – and that is what keeps me loving Him (1 John 4:19 NIV “We love because he first loved us”).


So many things are not happening in my life right now, and some days that’s hard and discouraging. But still I am growing and learning, and becoming a better person – and ultimately, regardless of what is going on, that is success.

I am not a failure. My life has value. I wholeheartedly believe this, and I’m grateful that of all the things I’ve been learning lately, this is one of the most important lessons I’ve learned.


“God of salvation, You chased down my heart
Through all of my failure and pride on a hill You created
The light of the world abandoned in darkness to die

And as You speak a hundred billion failures disappear
Where You lost Your life so I could find it here; if You left the grave behind You, so will I

So Will I (100 Billion Times) – Hillsong United

Friendship (part 2): My College Best Friend

Our friendship started with a facebook message that led to a phone call. Not an introvert’s favorite way of starting a friendship, but I’m eternally grateful for that phone call because this relationship has been life-changing.

Bonnie and I became very close very quick. Right from the start (the fall of 2016) we could talk about everything from animals to writing to God to guys to our health to our families/home lives, and everything in between. We could discuss anything whether it was surface level or deeply personal and nothing we had ever shared with anyone else. We had a level of trust we hadn’t felt before.

Before college I had prayed about friendships, but I never ever expected to cross paths with someone like Bonnie. She is incredible and I am so grateful she is in my life. Romans 12:15 NIV says “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn”; Bonnie is an excellent example of this verse. Not once have I felt like I was a burden to her because my mood or circumstance was different than hers. She is an empathetic, kind, loving, warm, welcoming soul and I am highly blessed to call her friend.

Bonnie has consistently been one of the most selfless people I have ever met, and that has been so good over the past year and a half or so of knowing her. I believe that at its core, love is sacrificial, and while Bonnie is not a doormat (because that is not what love is), she is amazing at sacrificially and selflessly giving of herself to those around her and it is such an inspiration.

Proverbs 17:17 NIV “A friend loves at all times…”

Proverbs 27:17 NIV “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”

I’m glad to call her my best friend. Everyone should have a Bonnie in their life.

Friendship (part 1): My High School Best Friend

Talented. Humble. Soft-spoken. Gracious. Kind. Appreciative. Thoughtful. Witty.

These are just a few words that describe someone who has played a significant role in my life for about six years now. Her name is Rubi.

I have never been able to say I had a lifelong or childhood bff. My family lived in Virginia for 6 years, then Kansas for 3 years, and we have lived in Texas now for almost 11 years. Between all those moves, and people coming in and out of our lives, I’ve not had many stable, steady friendships that I’ve been able to call lifelong or anyone that I’ve known since childhood and been really close with the whole way through.

However, Rubi came into my life when we entered high school, and although high school isn’t exactly childhood or the start of one’s life, she has been very loyal and I have a feeling we will be close friends for the rest of our lives. I believe I will be able to say at the end of our lives that we were lifelong friends, even if our friendship didn’t begin until we were fourteen years old. We needed each other at that age, and I certainly am glad we met when we did. We have needed each other ever since and I am so grateful we have been able to be there for each other all these years since then.

I am thankful that God allowed our paths to cross. I’m thankful that we still have sleepovers, that we still talk about everything both silly and serious, that we still hug each other whenever we see one another, that we still send each other “I love you” and “Goodnight” texts, and that we still bond over memories new and old.

I’m thankful that I still have a friend in the girl who was once a new kid at school I was asked to show around that day; every time we got a new kid, I always hoped they would be more than just a new kid, and that I would get to become close friends with them.

So many times that didn’t happen, but boy am I glad that it did happen with Rubi.


Four A Cappella Groups That Aren’t Pentatonix

I relatively recently became a lover of a cappella music. It’s beautiful and fun and you can do a lot with it that you can’t necessarily do with music that has instruments. Here are some groups I like that aren’t Pentatonix (no hate to Pentatonix or to Pentaholics – but this group seems to get much more recognition than any other a cappella group, and I want that to change).

1. No Comment A Cappella

A few years back, I heard their Hercules medley, and instantly fell in love with this group. They have a really good sound and are a delight to listen to.

2. Voctave

Voctave has a very mature/adult sound and is another incredible group to check out if you have not heard them already.

3. Voices of Lee

This a cappella group posts worshipful a cappella music to their youtube channel. Their versions of these songs are absolutely beautiful.

4. Voiceplay

This is my favorite of all the groups mentioned in this article, including Pentatonix. I love so many of their songs; they work together incredibly well, and they have done multiple collabs with other artists that are also amazing. This is such a wonderful a cappella group.

My 10 Current Favorite Worship Songs

I have been a music-lover all my life. I also have been raised in a Christian environment all my life. I’ve always had an affinity for worship music, and that love seems to always be growing. There are many songs I could put on this list, but here are a few songs that I listen to on a regular basis, and would call some of my favorites (in no particular order).

1. “Never Going Back” – United Pursuit 

I absolutely love not just the music of this song (although that is gorgeous), but the lyrics of it. The lyrics present a message that we would be lost without Christ, and that because He chose us and has given His all for us, that we will stay true to Him and never go back to our old lives. I also love that this song is a duet (I’m a sucker for duets). This is just an all-around beautiful song in both its sound and its message. I definitely recommend giving it a listen!

2. “Storyteller” – Morgan Harper Nichols ft. Jamie Grace 

I honestly could have picked a number of songs by Morgan Harper Nichols. She writes incredible songs and poetry. This one in particular, however, probably resonates with me the most. Every time I listen to it, I am reminded that I have a story to tell. That story is not just a cliche, or word vomit, but it has value and depth that are important to God and to me and to the people it will impact. My story has ugliness and beauty, darkness and light, strength and weakness, and through all of it, God shines through and shows how He can use someone like me – and I don’t ever want to stop telling that story.

3. “Hills and Valleys” – Tauren Wells 

What I love about this song is the reminder that God is always with us, through all the highs and lows of life. He brings us through all of it, He guides us wherever we go; even when we stray, He is never the one to leave us. He is a good God and this song is such a sweet reminder of how good He is.

4. “Peace Be Still” – Lauren Daigle 

Just like with Morgan Harper Nichols, for Lauren Daigle, there are a number of songs I could have chosen – but lately I have been absolutely loving this song. It is a beautiful song and a powerful one as well, particularly for people who have anxiety or just in general dislike chaos in life and have trouble with transitions, changes, etc. in life. I have listened to this song so much lately, especially when I have not been at peace, to remind myself to listen to the voice of the Lord and keep Him as a constant in my life when everything else around me is changing. He is steady and constant and consistent, even when nothing else is.

5. “Reckless Love” – Cory Asbury

There is nothing I can do to change God’s love for me. Nothing I can do will ever take His love away from me. Even when I hated Him, even when I opposed Him, He died for me, He took my sin, shame, sickness, and bore it all on the cross so I would not have to die for that. He gave up Himself – everything He knew – and became what He did not know for my sake.

I love that this song so powerfully depicts the love of God. Even at my worst, He had – and has – unconditional love for me. I can’t change that. Human love may fade, but God’s love never has and never will.

6. “Ever Be” – Bethel Music 

I’ve loved this song since I first heard it a few years ago. It was the first song I learned on guitar. While I love the whole song, I think the chorus is worth noting: “Your praise will ever be on my lips” is repeated several times and that’s the entire chorus. It’s simple but sweet. Just telling the Lord that His praise will always be coming from our lips (and our hearts) is a wonderful, beautiful thing and I think that is a lovely sentiment.

7. “King of My Heart” – John Mark and Sarah McMillan 

This is another duet I love. ❤ I’ve always had a level of trust with the Lord that I don’t have with any human (which is saying a lot because I trust easily), and I love the idea of Him being “King of my heart” and all the ways He is described in this song. The lyrics are absolutely beautiful, and I just cannot get enough of this song.

8. “It Is Well” – Bethel Music 

I am chronically ill. There are a lot of difficulties that have come with that, and although I’m usually fairly open about being chronically ill, for the most part I’m not very open about many of the difficulties I’ve faced. It’s not an easy life by any stretch. This song always reminds me that regardless of how it is with my body, it is well with my soul because of the Lord. Sometimes that is all the reminder I need; it is such a deep comfort sometimes.

9. “Oceans” – Hillsong United 

I love this song, especially this particular version where it is sung live on the Sea of Galilee…oh it’s beautiful. This is a beautiful song. It may often feel like an “overrated” worship song, but I absolutely love the words and the message of the song. It is more than simply an emotional experience, as worship should always be more than just that. It is connecting with God. This song is beautiful for doing that.

10. “Simple Gospel” – United Pursuit 

This song is something I would call “short, sweet, and to the point”. But it is oh so powerful. Every time I hear it, it ministers to me. It reminds me that a relationships with Jesus is worth it: it’s worth it to get to know Him, to not get caught up in “do’s and don’t’s”, to not be legalistic, to love Him and love others with His love, etc. It’s a short, simple, yet powerful song.

Creative Outlets

I put a lot of value into creative outlets. During my elementary, middle, and high school years I participated in various performing arts programs. For 4 years, I was in band; for about 2.5 years, I was in choir; for 4 years, I was in theatre. I have played guitar for nearly 3 years and ukulele for a little over a year.

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Besides my own personal endeavors in the performing arts, I have always greatly enjoyed going to see plays and musicals (the stage versions are much better than movie versions in my opinion – with the one exception being The Sound of Music), talent shows, spoken word events, band and choir concerts, etc.; various times and places in which people could showcase their poetry, music, acting, and other talents. These things speak to me and can greatly minister to me sometimes more than anything else when I am in the midst of a difficult time.

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Creativity is important. It can give people a break from school or work, or it could potentially become what they are so passionate about that it is their main focus in their school/work. Creativity can make us laugh, smile, cry, think about life, remember special memories, it can soften hearts, it can open eyes to struggles that one is not aware of already. Creative outlets do so much good in a world that would otherwise be bland and boring.

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Understanding the importance of creative outlets is why I chose band, choir, and theatre in my elementary through high school years instead of sports (although the activities I chose are not for everyone, just like sports are not for everyone – I knew I needed those creative outlets during those times).

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Without being able to sing, play instruments, act, dance, write blog posts, and more, I would have met significantly fewer people and developed significantly fewer strong relationships with people. These relationships held me steady through hard times, these people were there to celebrate with me during good times, and I could do the same for them. These creative outlets are more than just being able to create, or to be artistic: they help form relationships, they help build confidence, they stretch you and show you can do more than you thought you could before. I have learned so much about myself and others through doing the various creative things I’ve done and I am beyond grateful for all of the opportunities I have had to be creative.

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When I was younger, I didn’t consider myself a very creative person; now, creativity is a huge part of my life, and it is still growing. I try to form creative habits in my life (for example, publishing one blog post a week) so that my creativity can keep developing and growing and forming. This is one aspect of my life I absolutely don’t want to be stagnant.

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Why I Love Rhett and Link

Rhett James McLaughlin and Charles Lincoln Neal III. Well-known comedic geniuses, dads of the internet, loved by many, and self-proclaimed internetainers. They have a very large, successful YouTube channel that allows them to make money and over the years, many of their fans, whom they refer to as mythical beasts, have told them in some fashion that their content has brightened their day. Whether it’s Good Mythical Morning, their daily morning show which is currently in its thirteenth season; their music videos which are usually odd and silly but very catchy; or Ear Biscuits, their podcast, in which they are sometimes serious and deep, sometimes just downright hilarious, Rhett and Link always seem to say or do something that makes their fans laugh, smile, feel encouraged, think deeper, or love harder. Here are five of the many reasons why I love Rhett and Link.

1. The outrageous things they say.

“I like your boots”; “The way to a woman’s heart is through a worm’s anus”; “Ooohh…painus”; “sugar time with your meat stick”; “a hall is just a shaft sideways”; “anything worth being burned by is worth waiting for”; “I have tasted a real woman’s breast milk before, and it made me want to hurt myself”; “oh my flavors” just to name a few.

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2. The jokes they make on the show.

Sometimes it’s about how Link always finds a Sprite in the bathtub, or how he has occasional herpes outbreaks on his mouth.

Other times it’s Rhett making a comment about cats, twins, or community colleges, or how he sometimes gets psoriasis outbreaks.

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3. They donate to various charities each month.

They have donated to the American Refugee Committee, Team Audrey Kaller in the walk to end epilepsy, Save the Children, The Trevor Project, Action Against Hunger, St. Jude Children’s Hospital, and many more since November 24, 2016 (GMM season 10). All they have done to raise awareness and donate money to these charities on a regular basis shows how truly compassionate they are for all sorts of people of all walks of life – regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, etc. It is truly inspiring to me to love the people in my life everyday in real, palpable ways even when they are different from me.

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4. They are a great example of loyalty.

They each got married in their early twenties – Rhett, to his wife Jessie and Link, to his wife Christy. Rhett and Jessie have two sons and Link and Christy have a daughter and two sons. Rhett and Link have been best friends since first grade. Since GMM began, Rhett and Link have been very loyal to all of their crew members and their fans. Whether it’s to each other, their families, their coworkers, or their fans, these two are an incredible example of faithfulness and what that should look like in any relationship.

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5. They are willing to adapt/change when it’s needed. 

They have changed the format of the show, even when it brought on a lot of negative comments. They knew they couldn’t stay the same forever. Good Mythical Morning started out as the two of them just sharing stories or talking about what was on their mind from the car ride into work that day, but they realized quickly it could not be that way forever if GMM was going to be lasting. There have been those who have responded well and those who have responded poorly to every change that has come over the years, but overall the show has succeeded and done well and the guys have a lot to be proud of in both their past and present.

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YouTubers may be looked down upon or told they don’t have “real jobs”, but they can be inspiring and thoughtful in their creativity and help their viewers to be inspirations in whatever work they choose to do as well. They have to take risks in their work that people not involved with the internet may not ever know. Those who watch YouTube may or may not even appreciate the hard work and risks taken by YouTubers. But whether YouTube is a hobby or a job, people like Rhett and Link have made the internet a better place with the content they create and an article like this is the least someone like me can do to thank them for all they’ve done online.

Thank you, sincerely, Rhett and Link for being the amazing people you are. Don’t stop creating and making people’s days better. You’ve inspired me countless times and encouraged me to pursue my dreams; please keep doing this for the rest of your fans.


A Mythical Beast