Why I Am In Favor Of Debt Forgiveness

Lately, with Joe Biden’s $10,000 debt forgiveness plan, I’ve seen a lot of people discussing the issue. People’s experiences and perspectives lead them to their conclusions – some people feel it would be better going towards medical debt rather than educational debt, for example. I think that’s a fair and valid point. I also knowContinue reading “Why I Am In Favor Of Debt Forgiveness”

Ten Years

Being chronically ill impacts every area of life. It has touched my productivity levels and involvement in school, in jobs, in volunteer work, in churchgoing, in family gatherings, just to name a few things. There are a lot of feelings wrapped up in this day & this month for me. There were definitely times IContinue reading “Ten Years”

The Life of a Spoonie

First off, if you don’t know what it means to be a “spoonie” or about the spoon theory in general – read this article to understand the concept: http://www.butyoudontlooksick.com/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory/ Second, this theory can apply to any chronic physical or mental illness. Most people have multiple chronic illnesses rather than just one; being able to referContinue reading “The Life of a Spoonie”

When Life Takes An Unexpected Turn

I am writing this especially with high school seniors and college freshman in mind. When I was at that stage in life a few years ago, anticipating college and all it would bring, people gave lots of ideas of how it would be. Some said it would be incredibly difficult, that professors wouldn’t be merciful.Continue reading “When Life Takes An Unexpected Turn”

When You Find Love in an Unexpected Place

Of the four semesters I’ve had since graduating high school, two of those four have been spent living on campus at Dallas Baptist University. The other two I was too sick to be in school, so I lived at home. During my fall 2017 semester, I lived on a hall with 29 other girls onContinue reading “When You Find Love in an Unexpected Place”

Success: Subjective, not Objective

Something I have been pondering lately is success. Am I failing in life right now, or am I having some success? I see other people’s lives, and at times I feel like a failure if I’m being honest. Other people are in happy relationships. Other people have steady jobs. Other people have degrees. Other peopleContinue reading “Success: Subjective, not Objective”