Loss and Chronic Pain

Earlier this week, on August 2, 2022, my cat Frodo was euthanized. Similar to our other cat Snowflake – who died on May 8, 2020 – he had blood work done which showed he was starting to have kidney failure. He had lived a good long life, and we didn’t want things to get worseContinue reading “Loss and Chronic Pain”

Seven Pounds of Love: Saying Goodbye to Snowflake

TW/CW/CN – death, grief   https://danieljonce.com/blog/imaginary-future I read this article last week, after the anniversary of Rachel Held Evans’ death. Little did I know that just a few days later, I would need these words more than ever. “What an odd thing to write about on this, the first anniversary of Rachel’s death. What anContinue reading “Seven Pounds of Love: Saying Goodbye to Snowflake”

International Cat Day

Since 2002, International Cat Day has taken place annually on August 8. I’m normally not one to look into the history of more obscure holidays like this one, but after a close friend’s cat passed away earlier this week, I decided to look up the founding date and some charities that help cats and otherContinue reading “International Cat Day”