Loss and Chronic Pain

Earlier this week, on August 2, 2022, my cat Frodo was euthanized. Similar to our other cat Snowflake – who died on May 8, 2020 – he had blood work done which showed he was starting to have kidney failure. He had lived a good long life, and we didn’t want things to get worseContinue reading “Loss and Chronic Pain”

If You’re Only Pro-Life When It Comes To Babies In Wombs, You’re Not Pro-Life At All

If you’re only pro-life when it comes to babies in wombs, you’re not pro-life at all.  If you are apathetic, or if you rejoice, when someone such as an LGBTQ+ person, a disabled person, a person belonging to a religious minority, a dark-skinned person, or someone who is in any way different from you isContinue reading “If You’re Only Pro-Life When It Comes To Babies In Wombs, You’re Not Pro-Life At All”