James and the Shame “Believe Me” – My Thoughts

Lyrics: “I think you want an answer I’m not prepared to give, ’cause the one I gave you said that that ain’t it. Must be something that I want – fame and fortune, or at least a little jaunt. It may seem too cut and dried, but I just found some things I could notContinue reading “James and the Shame “Believe Me” – My Thoughts”

Continuing on the Deconstruction Journey

“And yet, when I choose Love, “right” and “wrong” fade away. They become much less important. Because always analyzing what – and who – is right and wrong leads to boxes that do not allow for the messy, wild, imperfect beauty that is humanity. Trying to stay in the lines and within what is known does not work with radical love.”

Deconstruction, Reconstruction, and Re-Thinking God (and the LGBTQ+ Community)

This is an article I wrote & published in April 2018, just a few days before my 20th birthday. A lot of things in my life are the same, and a lot is also different now compared to about two years ago. As I’ve deconstructed, reconstructed, learned, and unlearned many concepts, this is something I’veContinue reading “Deconstruction, Reconstruction, and Re-Thinking God (and the LGBTQ+ Community)”