church talk & vulnerability

I haven’t listened to a sermon in months. My younger self – from even just a few years ago – would be flabbergasted by this. I was in church for years. I loved church; I threw my whole self into it. The music, the scriptures, the sermons: all of it brought me so much comfort,Continue reading “church talk & vulnerability”


I had a neurologist appointment this week. I’ve come to expect, through almost ten years of being chronically ill, that doctor appointments can come with their own emotions. Relief and validation when after countless appointments and tests, an answer is found. Exhaustion and disappointment when “we can’t find anything wrong with you”. Sadness when aContinue reading “Progress”

Life As A Sick Person

One of the conversations I regularly take part in, both in online and offline interactions, is about chronic illness and disability. A recent tweet I saw sparked the thoughts for this blog post – it was a person asking how phrases like “you let the pain win too much” affect various disabled/chronically ill people, especiallyContinue reading “Life As A Sick Person”

Your Faith Is Valid

If at this moment you only have the capacity/time/energy to read one article, please read Kyle’s that I’ve linked below. Christians repeatedly and notoriously invalidate the faith of many minorities, including disabled people and LGBTQ+ people, but also BIPOC. I’m more aware of/educated on this being directed towards disabled people and LGBTQ+ people, but inContinue reading “Your Faith Is Valid”

Deconstruction, Reconstruction, and Re-Thinking God (and the LGBTQ+ Community)

This is an article I wrote & published in April 2018, just a few days before my 20th birthday. A lot of things in my life are the same, and a lot is also different now compared to about two years ago. As I’ve deconstructed, reconstructed, learned, and unlearned many concepts, this is something I’veContinue reading “Deconstruction, Reconstruction, and Re-Thinking God (and the LGBTQ+ Community)”

God Hasn’t Healed Me, And I’m Okay With That: Odyssey Revisited My first semester in college, I was part of Dallas Baptist University’s writing group on The Odyssey Online. This is an article I wrote. I’ve re-read it and some of my other articles and am working on an “Odyssey Revisited” series where I’ll repost the articles on here. So, with that, here’s the fourthContinue reading “God Hasn’t Healed Me, And I’m Okay With That: Odyssey Revisited”

The God I Put My Faith In

I’ve recently been seeing lots of discussions online about prayer, faith, forgiveness, and other topics from various people I follow online, both Christians and non Christians. This isn’t necessarily another “Twitter theology” post, though it could be at least partially considered one. I’ve been following Shannon Dingle for several months, and I already was appreciativeContinue reading “The God I Put My Faith In”

Self-Discovery Prompt: A Meaningful Book

“Name a book that spoke to you on a personal level. Why?” – prompt from (prompt #8) Bob Goff’s books “Love Does” and “Everybody Always” are two books I began reading in January this year after hearing countless quotes from said books and praises for Bob Goff’s wisdom and character. I highly recommend readingContinue reading “Self-Discovery Prompt: A Meaningful Book”

My Triggers Aren’t Your Joke

Over the past couple years, there have been a lot of “triggered” jokes going around. I never really liked them to begin with, but the more I began to explore both my own health issues and got to know many people around me who struggle with physical and/or mental health, I’ve felt like it isContinue reading “My Triggers Aren’t Your Joke”

Becoming Love

“We’re all rough drafts of the people we’re still becoming.” -Bob Goff, Everybody Always I recently read Bob Goff’s most recent book, Everybody Always. It was a book that taught me much about how to effectively love God and love people in bigger, more extravagant ways. It challenged me big time as I flipped the pagesContinue reading “Becoming Love”