Why I Am In Favor Of Debt Forgiveness

Lately, with Joe Biden’s $10,000 debt forgiveness plan, I’ve seen a lot of people discussing the issue. People’s experiences and perspectives lead them to their conclusions – some people feel it would be better going towards medical debt rather than educational debt, for example. I think that’s a fair and valid point. I also knowContinue reading “Why I Am In Favor Of Debt Forgiveness”

Continuing on the Deconstruction Journey

“And yet, when I choose Love, “right” and “wrong” fade away. They become much less important. Because always analyzing what – and who – is right and wrong leads to boxes that do not allow for the messy, wild, imperfect beauty that is humanity. Trying to stay in the lines and within what is known does not work with radical love.”

My Thoughts on #COVID-19 and Loving Your Neighbor As Yourself

I want to offer a TW/CW/CN that this article is related to COVID-19 and social distancing. If this topic is triggering for you I recommend skipping this article for now as I don’t want to cause anyone harm or discomfort. Read responsibly and take care of yourself, dear friend.    I know there’s been aContinue reading “My Thoughts on #COVID-19 and Loving Your Neighbor As Yourself”