Human Overboard: My Thoughts

James and the Shame (Rhett McLaughlin) recently released a country music album titled “Human Overboard”, with 11 songs that share different aspects of his personal deconstruction story. This is a link to an episode of their (Rhett and Link’s) podcast, Ear Biscuits, in which Rhett and Link discuss the album. I’ve written a previousContinue reading “Human Overboard: My Thoughts”

I Wasn’t Looking for a Side A Church explanation of Sides A & B if you’re unfamiliar with these terms  Side A: LGBTQIA+ affirming, anti-conversion therapy Side B: LGBTQIA+ non-affirming, anti-conversion therapy Side X: LGBTQIA+ non-affirming, pro-conversion therapy —————————————————————————————————————————————– I wasn’t looking for a Side A church. I’ve been in Side B and Side X environments my whole life. While many of theContinue reading “I Wasn’t Looking for a Side A Church”

My Top 5 Posts

Due to some recent pain flares, I didn’t really have it in me to create a new post for this week. I was looking through some blog prompts and I saw one that was to share your top 5 posts. So I looked through my stats, found my 5 most-viewed posts, and am re-sharing thoseContinue reading “My Top 5 Posts”

Why I’m A Christian: Twitter Theology Round 2

I recently saw the following tweet from a woman I follow on Twitter: “THREAD: 1) I’m seeing a tweet go viral by a pastor who is explaining why he is no longer a Christian. Faith is a personal journey, so I hope he keeps navigating it, but I wanted to tell a story on #whyImaChristian.”Continue reading “Why I’m A Christian: Twitter Theology Round 2”