Human Overboard: My Thoughts

James and the Shame (Rhett McLaughlin) recently released a country music album titled “Human Overboard”, with 11 songs that share different aspects of his personal deconstruction story. This is a link to an episode of their (Rhett and Link’s) podcast, Ear Biscuits, in which Rhett and Link discuss the album. I’ve written a previousContinue reading “Human Overboard: My Thoughts”


I had a neurologist appointment this week. I’ve come to expect, through almost ten years of being chronically ill, that doctor appointments can come with their own emotions. Relief and validation when after countless appointments and tests, an answer is found. Exhaustion and disappointment when “we can’t find anything wrong with you”. Sadness when aContinue reading “Progress”

Being Sick And Having Faith Isn’t An Oxymoron

On October 31, 2019, a woman whose leadership I’d been under for a time in my middle and high school years passed away. She had been diagnosed with cancer a few years prior, and after several months of treatments, she was declared cancer free. Then she got cancer a second time. I have no doubtContinue reading “Being Sick And Having Faith Isn’t An Oxymoron”

The God I Put My Faith In

I’ve recently been seeing lots of discussions online about prayer, faith, forgiveness, and other topics from various people I follow online, both Christians and non Christians. This isn’t necessarily another “Twitter theology” post, though it could be at least partially considered one. I’ve been following Shannon Dingle for several months, and I already was appreciativeContinue reading “The God I Put My Faith In”