Why I Am In Favor Of Debt Forgiveness

Lately, with Joe Biden’s $10,000 debt forgiveness plan, I’ve seen a lot of people discussing the issue. People’s experiences and perspectives lead them to their conclusions – some people feel it would be better going towards medical debt rather than educational debt, for example. I think that’s a fair and valid point. I also knowContinue reading “Why I Am In Favor Of Debt Forgiveness”

Why I Want Abortion To Be Legal

Growing up, I was very much pro-life. I was raised in conservative evangelical Christianity: this is pretty much just a given when you’re in that camp. It’s assumed you hold the pro-life stance. And while people have varying degrees to which they agree with the stance (some may make exceptions for rape/incest for example), itContinue reading “Why I Want Abortion To Be Legal”

I Wasn’t Looking for a Side A Church

http://www.comingout4christians.net/side-a-side-b-primer.html explanation of Sides A & B if you’re unfamiliar with these terms  Side A: LGBTQIA+ affirming, anti-conversion therapy Side B: LGBTQIA+ non-affirming, anti-conversion therapy Side X: LGBTQIA+ non-affirming, pro-conversion therapy —————————————————————————————————————————————– I wasn’t looking for a Side A church. I’ve been in Side B and Side X environments my whole life. While many of theContinue reading “I Wasn’t Looking for a Side A Church”