church talk & vulnerability

I haven’t listened to a sermon in months. My younger self – from even just a few years ago – would be flabbergasted by this. I was in church for years. I loved church; I threw my whole self into it. The music, the scriptures, the sermons: all of it brought me so much comfort,Continue reading “church talk & vulnerability”

Resurrection: Literal or Metaphorical (or both)?

I recently saw a tweet asking Christians if or how their lives/faith would change if the resurrection of Jesus could be definitively proven as false. Reading through the responses was interesting as it presented many different people’s perspectives and experiences and why they chose to see resurrection as literal or metaphorical (or some of both).Continue reading “Resurrection: Literal or Metaphorical (or both)?”

when prayer feels pointless

The last couple of days have been painful. What is happening in Ukraine and what is happening in Texas anti-trans legislature right now is terrible to observe (and I can only imagine is far more painful and terrible for those most directly affected by these things.) I want to do something, but all I feelContinue reading “when prayer feels pointless”

when rest is difficult

I am neurodivergent, disabled, and chronically ill. Based on the Myers-Briggs and Enneagram personality typing tools, I’m an INFJ and 9w1. I grew up in conservative white evangelical Christianity. And I want to take about rest today, as it has been necessary but hard lately. Those things may not seem very related or intertwined; butContinue reading “when rest is difficult”

I Wasn’t Looking for a Side A Church explanation of Sides A & B if you’re unfamiliar with these terms  Side A: LGBTQIA+ affirming, anti-conversion therapy Side B: LGBTQIA+ non-affirming, anti-conversion therapy Side X: LGBTQIA+ non-affirming, pro-conversion therapy —————————————————————————————————————————————– I wasn’t looking for a Side A church. I’ve been in Side B and Side X environments my whole life. While many of theContinue reading “I Wasn’t Looking for a Side A Church”


I had a neurologist appointment this week. I’ve come to expect, through almost ten years of being chronically ill, that doctor appointments can come with their own emotions. Relief and validation when after countless appointments and tests, an answer is found. Exhaustion and disappointment when “we can’t find anything wrong with you”. Sadness when aContinue reading “Progress”


Lately, I’ve felt a bit overwhelmed with news stories of both abuse (primarily John Crist and John Ortberg/Menlo Church) and deaths (primarily from racist murders and COVID-19, as well as deaths from other illnesses, suicides, accidents, etc.) Seeing the following poem earlier this week from Morgan Harper Nichols about grace was a needed and welcomedContinue reading “Grace”

Politics: My Previous Avoidance, And Current Engagement

If you know me in real life, you probably know that for a long time, any kind of remotely political discussion (or any discussion of anything remotely controversial, for that matter) was very stressful for me. I want to explain why that was, and why even though it still can be stressful for me, I’mContinue reading “Politics: My Previous Avoidance, And Current Engagement”

Your Faith Is Valid

If at this moment you only have the capacity/time/energy to read one article, please read Kyle’s that I’ve linked below. Christians repeatedly and notoriously invalidate the faith of many minorities, including disabled people and LGBTQ+ people, but also BIPOC. I’m more aware of/educated on this being directed towards disabled people and LGBTQ+ people, but inContinue reading “Your Faith Is Valid”

A Short Poem About Faith And Pain

My faith feels weary I am weak and tired You give rest, yet I am still depleted Empty I just need You here There is no end in sight But You are within reach And what my faith – Weak, weary, though it may be – Needs is You, more than An end To pain