“healthy” isn’t the same for everyone

Trigger warning for talking about weight loss/gain. In the fall of 2017, when I was 19 years old, I lost a lot of weight. I was on a medication for chronic migraine that was working well at first, but did come with a lot of side effects — including weight loss. I didn’t mind theContinue reading ““healthy” isn’t the same for everyone”

Stop Using Ableism To Defend Your Politics

This is an excellent article (that I believe the author still updates from time to time, though I could be mistaken) that explains what some ableist terms are, replacements that aren’t offensive or discriminatory, and why the terms are ableist. I’ve referred back to it multiple times personally, and recommend it often to others whenContinue reading “Stop Using Ableism To Defend Your Politics”

Ten Years

Being chronically ill impacts every area of life. It has touched my productivity levels and involvement in school, in jobs, in volunteer work, in churchgoing, in family gatherings, just to name a few things. There are a lot of feelings wrapped up in this day & this month for me. There were definitely times IContinue reading “Ten Years”

When Rest Is Elusive

I have been exhausted lately. It’s not like it’s unexpected or unusual for me. Fatigue has often been a part of my life since I became chronically ill as a 7th grader. Some days I’m more tired than others, but it’s always there, as with my other chronic illnesses/chronic illness symptoms. I don’t always haveContinue reading “When Rest Is Elusive”

My Thoughts on #COVID-19 and Loving Your Neighbor As Yourself

I want to offer a TW/CW/CN that this article is related to COVID-19 and social distancing. If this topic is triggering for you I recommend skipping this article for now as I don’t want to cause anyone harm or discomfort. Read responsibly and take care of yourself, dear friend.    I know there’s been aContinue reading “My Thoughts on #COVID-19 and Loving Your Neighbor As Yourself”

Forgive Yourself, Too: Odyssey Revisited

https://www.theodysseyonline.com/forgive-yourself-too My first semester in college, I was part of Dallas Baptist University’s writing group on The Odyssey Online. This is an article I wrote. I’ve re-read it and some of my other articles and am working on an “Odyssey Revisited” series where I’ll repost the articles on here. So, with that, here’s the thirdContinue reading “Forgive Yourself, Too: Odyssey Revisited”

Trusting God to Fight Our Battles: Mental Health (Twitter Theology)

“You can choose how you react to what life throws your way. You can get angry, stressed out or shrink into depression, or you can respond gracefully. The choice is always yours. God has called us to respond to slights with calmness, love and truth. Trust God to fight your battles.” -a tweet from userContinue reading “Trusting God to Fight Our Battles: Mental Health (Twitter Theology)”

Twitter Theology: Healing

I am a Christian. I have been for the majority of my life. For a long time I considered myself non-denominational, however as of late I’ve had more questions in my head about what denomination’s beliefs I most agree with. I’ve been in various churches (non-denominational, Word of Faith, Catholic, Baptist, Assemblies of God, Nazarene,Continue reading “Twitter Theology: Healing”