Why I Am In Favor Of Debt Forgiveness

Lately, with Joe Biden’s $10,000 debt forgiveness plan, I’ve seen a lot of people discussing the issue. People’s experiences and perspectives lead them to their conclusions – some people feel it would be better going towards medical debt rather than educational debt, for example. I think that’s a fair and valid point. I also knowContinue reading “Why I Am In Favor Of Debt Forgiveness”

John Crist’s Return to the Spotlight

Trigger warning – I will be writing about John Crist in this article, including talking about the women he has sexually abused.    On Wednesday this week, I came across this tweet from John Crist:   Hi everybody, it’s been a minute. A message from me https://t.co/2c4CMJSn6L — John Crist (@johnbcrist) July 15, 2020 HeContinue reading “John Crist’s Return to the Spotlight”

A Short Poem About Faith And Pain

My faith feels weary I am weak and tired You give rest, yet I am still depleted Empty I just need You here There is no end in sight But You are within reach And what my faith – Weak, weary, though it may be – Needs is You, more than An end To pain

Beliefs: What I Refuse, and What I Choose

I refuse to believe in a god who insists you must look or act or think or feel a certain way to be loved and welcomed. I refuse to believe in a god who would see me as superior or inferior to others for any reason (including sexuality, gender, political beliefs, religious beliefs, health, educationContinue reading “Beliefs: What I Refuse, and What I Choose”

Disability Acceptance

“#DisabilityTwitter, have you had a “disclosure,” “acceptance,” or “coming out” moment about your disability? Where you no longer tried to hide or pass? Looking back, did this change your everyday life? Did anything become more or less burdensome or complicated as a result?” -from user @HamOnWheels on Twitter, 10-27-19 I’ve been chronically ill for nearlyContinue reading “Disability Acceptance”

Twitter Theology: Does Prayer Work?

As in several previous articles I have written under “Twitter Theology”, the inspiration for this article came from a tweet, which read as follows: “#ProgressiveChristian, #Agnostic, & #Deconstructing Twitter friends – one of my besties just asked me, “Do you think prayer works?” So I’m curious – do YOU think prayer works? Let’s have aContinue reading “Twitter Theology: Does Prayer Work?”


“But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 NLT   Lately I have been feeling weary. Worn. Exhausted. Fatigued. However you want to say it, that’s what I’ve felt.Continue reading “Weary”