grief & joy are intertwined

The title pretty much says what I’ve been thinking (and feeling) a lot lately: that grief and joy are very much intertwined. I recently got a new kitten. She’s all black and so, of course, I named her after the black cat in Animal Crossing named Kiki. She’s brought so much joy already (and alsoContinue reading “grief & joy are intertwined”

Ten Years

Being chronically ill impacts every area of life. It has touched my productivity levels and involvement in school, in jobs, in volunteer work, in churchgoing, in family gatherings, just to name a few things. There are a lot of feelings wrapped up in this day & this month for me. There were definitely times IContinue reading “Ten Years”

Disability Acceptance

“#DisabilityTwitter, have you had a “disclosure,” “acceptance,” or “coming out” moment about your disability? Where you no longer tried to hide or pass? Looking back, did this change your everyday life? Did anything become more or less burdensome or complicated as a result?” -from user @HamOnWheels on Twitter, 10-27-19 I’ve been chronically ill for nearlyContinue reading “Disability Acceptance”