Why I Want Abortion To Be Legal

Growing up, I was very much pro-life. I was raised in conservative evangelical Christianity: this is pretty much just a given when you’re in that camp. It’s assumed you hold the pro-life stance. And while people have varying degrees to which they agree with the stance (some may make exceptions for rape/incest for example), itContinue reading “Why I Want Abortion To Be Legal”

Some Things I Wrote This Week

It’s not uncommon for me to draw from things I and others write on social media to include in my blog or to spur some more thoughts on. So, today, I’ll share some things I’ve shared on social media over the past week.   tw/cw/cn – pet death [about Snowflake, my 14-year-old cat who wasContinue reading “Some Things I Wrote This Week”

Politics: My Previous Avoidance, And Current Engagement

If you know me in real life, you probably know that for a long time, any kind of remotely political discussion (or any discussion of anything remotely controversial, for that matter) was very stressful for me. I want to explain why that was, and why even though it still can be stressful for me, I’mContinue reading “Politics: My Previous Avoidance, And Current Engagement”